Rose Carnation at home

Rose Carnation at home

We met in 2015. Almost 9 years ago. I feel old now :)

We have been working together all these years, and it makes me happy to see our growth as a model and as a photographer. After all this time, we have developed a relationship of trust, and I share with Rose my most personal ideas. She is also a photographer, so this is a dream come true, as we understand really fast what the other is looking for in every shooting.

We have so many photos that I don't know where to start. We both love shooting film, so let's start with a roll from 2021. Let's hope you can see our evolution together.

She is @rose_carnation1 ( ). Shot in Portra 400 in Pentax KM. Don't be deceived by that Leica M2 :P

The rest of the roll in a few days here.