
An autumn walk in Capricho

In Madrid, we have a couple of hidden gems. Luckily, they’re far enough from the center that they aren’t overly exploited. One of them is El Capricho, and Sara and I

JuditGr and a loft evening

I thought I have lost these photos. A small issue with my backups :_( Shooting with Judit is always a privilege. I am looking for my next visit to Barcelona. I don't


I live in a constant love-hate relationship with this city. It's infested with cars. Bar terraces occupy the sidewalks. There's no point in buying an apartment less than 10km

Rollei 35 AF vs SE

As you already know, I gave in and bought a Rollei 35AF. I was curious to see how it compared to the original, and thanks to Miyagi Studio, I was able to compare